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Thursday, 2 April 2020

Caffe Pascucci at Sunway Pyramid

Caffe Pascucci di Sunway Pyramid terletak di Tingkat 1. Caffe Pascucci juga boleh didapati di Tropicana City Mall dan Menara Hap Seng 2.

Caffe Pascucci allow us to drink coffee that is brewed in true Italian way. Coffee have great sentiment value.  

Menu Sorbetti Coffee
Beverage counter

Seats - sofa
Seats - comfy chair
Pastries, muffin and bread choices. But limited choices.
Cake choices
Ice-cream choices
Ice-cream toppings
Chocolate and blueberry muffin
Flaky croissant
My choices for today! Very nice coffee brew aroma. Bread is quite soft
Blended coffee.
Fraspuccio caramel - Espresso, milk, ice, cane sugar, whipped cream and caramel syrup topping.
Tapi, Caffe Pascucci di Sunway Pyramid tidak ada menyediakan any heavy main meals. So, very limited choices, just for relaxing and enjoying coffee and some savoury/sweet bites. Tapi tak sure lah kalau sekarang dah ada provide main meals.

Short Staycation di The Banjaran Hotspring Retreats Ipoh I Garden Villa Staycation (PART 3)

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