Hi semua, this is definitely not a paid review post. Tapi saya nak share. Sapa dah pernah try kek daripada Absolut Chocolate? Whether chocolate cake, milk lava, boba tea cake or salted egg charcoal.
So, kisahnya saya pernah makan chocolate cake daripada Absolut Chocolate dulu-dulu kala. Tetiba one day tu setelah sekian lama (more than 1-2 years kot), saya teringin makan kek ni lagi. I'm always craving to chocolate.
Cari-cari lah dekat petrol station area Shah Alam alongside federal highway tu, tapi main redah je. Asal ada petrol station, berhenti. Fortunately after fews petrol station, I luckily get that chocolate cake! sebab banyak yang dah sold out. Happy giler. Masa tu, I beli 2 slices, a slice tu RM11 kot. Small size for RM11, terkejut jugak tapi dah teringin kan. Sebab a whole cake tu baru RM69, you can get so many slices. Personal opinion, its not worth to buy slices.
One day, I definitely nak try the salted egg charcoal cake sebab tergoda dengan review celebrities. Whole cake for RM79 but masa I beli tu harganya RM69 sebab ada promotion.
Ni kotak dia, the design is so cuteee! Bright color and ada design comel-comel gitu memang eye catching. Kotak ni agak tinggi sedikit.
Bila bukak, you gonna see this. An egg container lay at the centre of the charcoal cake.
Ni lah rupanya bila dah keluarkan egg container tu. Kek quite tinggi, nampak gebu. Bila pegang kek tu memang kek tu lembut. Bila makan, terasa moistnya kek tu. Tak manis sangat, just nice, ada rasa pahit-pahit coklat sikit. Which I really love it. Kek dia memang terbaik, dah lah lembut, kalau makan macam tu pun kosong tanpa sos pun dah sedap.
Salted egg sauce. Rasa sweet custard. Tapi ada dekat hujung-hujung lidah tu ada rasa salted-salted egg sikit tapi mild je. Salted egg sauce ni pekat bila letak dalam fridge. Tapi best sebab sejuk. But depends on your preference.
Nampak tak serbuk atau crumble ni? Ini adalah kunci utama. Bila dah potong kek, pour some sauce, then sprinkle dengan salted egg crumble ni. Memang terbaik. Bila tergigit crumble ni, texture keras crunchy yang best and definitely complement the sauce. For me, rasa salted egg dekat crumble ni lagi kuat compare to sauce. Bila makan tu ada rasa macam makan kuih raya semperit but has the salted egg taste.